Health Concerns About the E-Cigarette
The e-cigarette is an electronic device that can produce aerosols from liquids containing various flavours. The liquid is heated by a battery-powered heating system, producing the vapour that is inhaled when the user activates the device. Initially, these devices were designed to look like regular cigarettes but have since evolved into a wide variety of shapes and sizes including pen-shaped devices, cigars, and USB flash drives. The liquids used in e-cigarettes can vary significantly in terms of their nicotine content. Some e-liquids contain no nicotine and are sold as a flavouring agent only, while others have high levels of the addictive chemical and are sold as a conventional tobacco substitute.
Despite their popularity, there is little evidence regarding the long-term health impacts of e-cigarettes. However, it is becoming clear that even short-term e-cigarette use can have detrimental effects. This is mainly due to the fact that e-cigarettes may contaminate the environment and the user with hazardous chemicals. Moreover, many e-cigarettes are manufactured by unscrupulous companies that fail to comply with FDA regulations.
One of the most serious concerns is the risk of exposing the lung to potentially harmful substances. A recent study revealed that adolescent dual e-cigarette and conventional tobacco users showed higher urine levels of toxic compounds such as acrylonitrile, acrolein, propylene oxide, and acrylamide than non-users. The adolescent dual smokers also displayed impaired lung homeostasis and increased oxidative stress, which were most pronounced in e-cigarette users.
Another concern is the risk of causing permanent lung damage. The chemical diacetyl, which is found in some e-cigarette flavourings, has been shown to cause a chronic lung disease known as bronchiolitis obliterans or popcorn lung. This condition causes scarring in the lungs and can lead to difficulty breathing and coughing.
Studies have also shown that e-cigarettes can expose the lungs to nicotine, which has been shown to hurt the brain development of young people and cause heart problems. Nicotine can also lead to addiction and raise the likelihood of using other drugs.
In addition to these risks, the batteries that power e-cigarettes can catch fire or explode. This can harm the user and those around them, especially if they are using oxygen, are near a propane tank (used in backyard grills), or when driving. Moreover, the heat produced by some e-cigarette batteries can cause the plastic components to melt or burn.
Fortunately, there are ways to help prevent or quit using e-cigarettes. Ask your healthcare provider or community health workers for free resources to help you stop smoking or vaping, such as online, texting and phone services or apps. Make a list of all the reasons why you want to quit and look at it when you feel tempted. Get support from family and friends and try to avoid situations that trigger cravings. For example, exercise can distract you from cravings and boost your mood. It can also be helpful to chew sugar-free gum or lollipops when you feel a craving. 電子煙