Need Protection? Contact Archangel Michael!
Archangel Michael is the Mighty Angel of Strength, Courage and Protection whose name means ‘ He who is like God’. One of the seven more recognized Archangels he is a warrior. Known as the Prince of the Archangels he is the one that all other Archangels defer to. Michael has millions of legions of angels at his command. He appears dressed in brilliant blue armor, surrounded by electric blue and white light which flash in his aura looking alike to lightening.
By invoking Michael he will faithfully stand at your right side with his sword and shield, ever ready to guard and protect you, surrounding you with his deep blue cloak for both physical and spiritual protection.
Archangel Michael is the stable ruler and chief commander; he will empower you with will power, inner strength and initiative so you can move forward on your life’s path. With Michael’s help he can guide you to develop leadership qualities, strength and become more focused for personal success. Tasks can be accomplished effortlessly and without anxiety if you call on him for help.
Faith is Archangel Michael’s twin flame, she helps with confidence or renewing your faith in yourself and faith in believing that your needs will be manifested. Ever ready to stand by your side, these two majestic Angels may merge into one or work as individual beings, Faith is a divine compliment of Michael and both can offer us invaluable strength, faith, courage and support if we just ask.
Situated on the Blue aspect of the First Ray, they work together to bring forward those who can carry the sword of truth, with a strong sense of personal inner power to raise the vibrations of the world. Those closely connected to Archangel Michael bring through strength and power. This doesn’t necessarily mean physically, in can be through a variety of ways, either through creativity, business, position of authority, spiritually or indeed any other way.
The divine qualities of the First Ray are Power, Energy of Will and Inner Drive and motivation which is connected to initiative and vitality, breaking down the old out dated thoughts and bringing in the new. The color of this Ray is always Blue and in all its different hues representing personal power. It is most powerfully beamed down to earth on a Tuesday. Those who express the qualities of this ray are almost always ‘Born leaders’ being at the head of their chosen profession moving forward with courage.
If you ever feel afraid or in danger, call on this Mighty Archangel for he will always be at you side. Michael will protect not only people, or animals, he is also very pleased to be called for any sort of assistance. The Angels know that our lives on earth can be quite demanding and stressful at times, they offer their help to ease the bumpy ride for us, but again we must ask. Invoke Archangel Michael to protect your property, call on him to look after your home when you are away. Ask him to stand guard at the four corners of your home and he will be delighted to oblige. You can ask him to protect loved ones, or for him to place his deep blue cloak around them so all negative energy will simply slide away. Through unwavering dedication this beautiful angel defends our souls and cares deeply for us. michael kors women’s bag