Tips on Hiring the Right DWI Lawyer For Your Case
Being pulled over for DWI in Texas – driving while intoxicated – isn’t the end of the world. Remember, the law states that you are innocent until proven guilty. Since one has to adequately defend themselves to be considered innocent it’s best to have all of the available at your disposal to do so, namely the skill of a qualified DWI attorney. Picking a defense lawyer is never an easy task – whether you are facing DWI charges in Houston or elsewhere. There are so many factors to consider like his/her customer service, how successful he/she is, whether the pricing is affordable, and even the chemistry between the parties.
First off, the prospective lawyer should be looked into in great detail. Research should be done on his/her previous clients, including things like how happy they were with said lawyer when it came to handling their legal problems. A lot of the time legal questions may arise and a good lawyer will always be available to answer them or at least return phone calls in a timely manner. Another thing to look for would be if this lawyer has a practice limited strictly to DWI law or all types of criminal defense. Although many criminal defense lawyers can handle DWI cases with ease, sometimes a DWI lawyer that has a practice focused on DWI will more than likely give extra knowledge about situations because it’s their specialty. Doing the same thing over and over again, in this case DWI cases, one can’t help but to notice holes or easier ways of doing things which someone who does a bit of everything may over look.
Another thing to take note of when choosing a DWI lawyer is how successful they are. Take note of the office they are located in. When looking into some of their clients see how many cases have they won, how many they have pled, etc. It’s also important to know how long they have been in practice because with age comes wisdom. Of course more successful attorneys will cost more money but considering this will affect your life any price for victory is well worth it.
Last and most important is the chemistry, which is just how you feel around this person. Do you trust this person with something so very important? Do you feel this person will fight for your rights with the best of their ability? There are many hack lawyers out there who only do the minimum to get by yet charge for the full service. Get a feel of the lawyer make sure it’s someone you can trust. To do this it’s always best to arrange a meeting prior to hiring the lawyer. That way they can sell you on why they should represent you. Reading into this person if very important at this time because they will be showing you the best side of themselves so you’ll have to see under it all. Just remember if it sounds too good to be true it usually is. Now days when it’s hard to trust even your neighbor you must look out for someone who would con you out of your money. Always have questions already prepared before meeting your DWI attorney. dwi lawyer