Deepfake Nude Telegram Bots
A renowned security firm called Sensity has found that a new network of deepfake nude Telegram bots is spreading. These bots use generative adversarial networks to automatically generate nude images from photographs of clothed people.
Victoria and Sarah never reported the abuse to Telegram, not only because they feared retaliation but also due to lack of faith that the platform would take action.
It’s free
Since before the time of photoshop, people have created non-consensual fake nudes of celebrities and strangers. They’ve been used to extort and harass victims, and they have even been used to frame minors for serious crimes. But with the advent of deepfake technology, generating these images is now easier and more realistic than ever before.
These fake nude pictures use a technique called generative adversarial networks (GANs) to generate hyper-realistic images that can be difficult to distinguish from the real thing. They can be shared in private channels that allow only known associates to view them, or they can be sent via backchannels to thousands of people in a matter of minutes. This has made the internet a dangerous place for young women, particularly those who are in danger of being raped or murdered.
Unfortunately, Telegram does not moderate channels that share this type of content, and its refusal to address the issue is problematic. It has also displayed laziness by failing to take down these channels after the BBC reported on them.
While the problem is growing, there are steps to help mitigate it. The first is to make sure that you are in a country where Telegram is not banned. It is important to do this because some of these channels are devoted to sensitive content, such as violence and adult content.
It’s easy
A deepfake bot on Telegram is spreading revenge pornography of women by replacing the clothed parts of their bodies with nudity. The bots use deep machine learning to generate media forgeries, including still photos. The results look realistic and can be difficult to distinguish from real pictures, despite smeared or pixelated flesh. A recent investigation by the security firm Sensity revealed that more than 100,000 nonconsensual photos of women have been publicly posted using deepfake technology on Telegram.
Although Telegram has taken steps to remove NSFW content and cooperate with EU crime agencies, it doesn’t remove private images of women without consent. The BBC has found groups and channels sharing countless leaked private images of women, with personal details such as home addresses posted alongside them. The victims are often targeted for harassment, bullying, and blackmail.
There are several ways to avoid the “This Channel Can Not be Displayed” message on Telegram. First, try changing your device to one that is not linked to your Telegram account. This will reset the app’s history, and you should be able to access channels that were previously blocked. You can also download a VPN on your device to change your location and bypass the filtering of sensitive content. Alternatively, you can create a new account with a different phone number or email address.
It’s safe
The app allows private channels and groups to display adult content, but the messages are not saved on Telegram servers, so they can only be seen by people who are subscribed to the channel or group. Telegram also blocks all types of public distribution of adult content on iOS and macOS. However, it is unclear whether this includes stickers, bots, or private channels and groups. The BBC’s research found that there were at least 18 channels and 24 groups on the platform in countries from Brazil to Russia where nude photos were shared without consent. Some women report being threatened, harassed, or blackmailed after their nude images were shared on the platforms.
The victims are often targeted through automated deepfake pornography bots. These bots are free, easy to use and require only one photo of the victim to manipulate. They work by replacing the clothed parts of a woman’s photograph with nude images, leaving only smeared or pixellated flesh. A similar deepfake software called DeepNude was reportedly used to victimize hundreds of thousands of people, and while the creator of the software shut down the website shortly after mainstream press coverage, it can still be downloaded via backchannels and torrenting sites.
While Telegram has been criticized for allowing terrorist propaganda and coordination, piracy, copyright infringement, and harboring varieties of predatory pornography, the messaging service also takes steps to remove abuse, including kicking off groups for violent extremists like ISIS and neo-Nazis. But the slippery network’s tenacious commitment to free speech may make it challenging to stamp out these kinds of bots.
It’s fun
Telegram is an app that allows users to create private groups and chats with friends. Its user base is global, and the app can be used for a variety of purposes, including extortion, blackmail, and harassment. Its less-regulated environment has attracted users who have been banned from other social media platforms.
A new research from security firm Sensity has found a growing ecosystem of Telegram bots that scrape photos from social media to generate nonconsensual fake nudes. The images range in quality from obviously fake to realistically believable. The bots are marketed as a form of “deepfake pornography” but have been exploited for blackmail and extortion, and there have been several documented cases of women being targeted with these images.
These bots work by analyzing images, then using a machine learning algorithm to create a nude version of the photo. The results can be manipulated to look a particular way or to add a specific location. The result is often highly disturbing, and can even appear to be a sexually explicit image of a person.
Victims of the bots say that they are being used for a variety of reasons, including sex and drug trafficking, child abuse, and revenge porn. They rarely report the abuse to Telegram, not only to preserve evidence but also because they lack faith that the app will take action. Despite the fact that Telegram has made a major effort to remove ISIS content and cooperate with EU crime agency Europol, it’s clear that removing revenge porn is not a priority.