Top Seven Steps to Getting Skin Like Miss Universe
We have all spent the past week watching as some of the worlds most beautiful women take the stage to compete in the 2010 Miss Universe competition. These women appear in front of us with beautiful smooth skin, perfectly toned bodies and a glow to them that every woman desires. How is it that so many different women from different corners of the world, all seem to have glowing, flawless, perfect skin?
There are seven major lifestyle changes that can be made to help you find your inner Miss Universe. By applying the following steps to your daily routine, you are guaranteed to emerge with that glow and shine that so many of this years Miss Universe contestants had.
1. Drink lots of water. Miss Jamaica, Yendi Phillips, is known for always drinking tons of glasses of water and herbal teas before, after and during interviews. Over 50% of the human body is composed of water and this needs constant replenishing – dehydration will decrease energy levels leading you to a more sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle. Aim for 8 glasses a day!
2. Wear Sunscreen. During the lake tour, the Miss Universe contestants pulled out their sunscreen and lathered up. Health Canada confirms that too much exposure to UV radiation is likely to lead to sunburn, skin damage, sun spots, skin cancers, diseases of the eye, and immune suppression.
3. Exercise. There is always loads of time slotted for the contestants to take care of their bodies. Last year, Miss Australia promoted her routine which included a morning 6km swim and an additional 1.5 hours of fitness. Miss Alaska in 2004 relied on walking and rollerblading – integrating regular exercise into her everyday life. Miss USA 2010 sticks with the tried and true kickboxing, a hardcore toning and cardio workout. Health Canada insists that physical activity will better health and well-being by reducing stress, improving the vitality of the heart and lungs and increasing energy levels.
4. Healthy Eating: Eat your greens. Some contestants are vegans, others stick to low carb diets, but most admit to eating a fair share of fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods. Again we return to Health Canada recommendations that all people should invest in their food by carefully choosing a diversity of non-processed foods from all food groups such as fruit, vegetables, dairy and grains.
5. Avoid Chemicals: Steer clear of processed foods, skincare products and household cleaning products that are packed full of parabens, trans fats or artificial additives.
6. Use all natural skin care and body care products: Some women put hundreds of chemicals onto their skin every day just with their regular facial care routine and makeup application. The chemicals that make up many products such as Sodium Laureth Sulfate and parabens are known skin irritants and should be avoided at all costs. Instead, use all natural skin care products with essential oil bases that are nutrients not nuisances for your skin.
7. Help others. It is true that beauty comes from within. Many of the contestants are involved in charitable causes. Australian Jesinta Campbell is an ambassador for Muscle Sprouts, a children’s charity that promotes healthy living and exercise. A little help goes a long way, for others, and yourself.
So its that easy. If you want to have Miss Trinidad and Tobago’s’ flawless skin or Miss Venezuela’s porcelain smooth skin, try to integrate these changes into your everyday routine. Sooner than you can imagine, you will see marked differences not only in your skin, but in the way you feel when you roll out of bed every morning. You may just find your inner Miss Universe sooner than you ever imagined. Lip balm